Now on The Interconnected: Back to Basics: Writing Design Guidelines

I’m doing a lot of writing design guidelines at work right now — essentially codifying in words the things we’re already doing. Paving the cowpaths if you will.

My June 28 post on The Interconnected is about where to put design guidelines when you write them, what application to write them in, what to put in them, and why nobody’s going to read them but you.

Read Back to Basics: Writing Design Guidelines on The Interconnected

Now on The Interconnected: Cans of Shit and Salt Speakers

My June 2 post on The Interconnected came from a conversation at work about how some “hot” new design projects were really just a way to suck money out of people… and how it reminded me a lot of modern art which was intended to shock and cost money, but not really add anything valuable to anyone’s lives.

It also touches on some accessibility elements — like the fact that many As Seen on TV products are actually products that solve problems for people with disabilities that the rest of us benefit from.

Read Cans of Shit and Salt Speakers at The Interconnected.

Now on The Interconnected: Black is the New Black: Navigating in Black and White

My March 25 post on The Interconnected is about a disturbing trend I recently noticed in website navigation. Everything’s gone black and white.

Well, dark grey and white.

And that’s fine if you don’t need anyone to figure out what’s clickable on your website, but, well, we invented the hyperlink for a reason, and the reason wasn’t “to make you stab wildly at a page until you figure out what’s interactive”.

Go check it out.