Now on The Interconnected: Page Integrity Testing

One of the least-talked-about responsibilities of UX Designers (in part because not all of us are required to do it, or do it well) is testing pages in the Quality Assurance (QA) stage before they go to production.

I’m working with three different teams to test our pages for three different projects, so I’m pretty knee-deep in testing right now. The result? Page Integrity Testing, three tips for helping developers help me produce quality products. (Or three tips for helping me help developers produce quality products. We’re all in this together.)

Now on The Interconnected: Organize Stuff: The Game

I am a Minecraft player, but I’m probably not a normal Minecraft player. I’m more like an XKCD Minecraft player, only I don’t need painkillers to sort things.

I love sorting things.

I also love telling my own stories about things, even as I justify sorting them. On my other, more fiction-oriented, website, you can find One Among the Dead, the ongoing diary of a woman dropped into a Minecraft world, just trying to survive.

Anyway, this week on The Interconnected, I fawn over sorting bricks.


Now on The Interconnected: Staying motivated at work

Sometimes work hits a bad spot. Sometimes mentally you hit a bad spot. Both are OK (which is to say they happen, it’s not necessarily your fault, life goes on).

Sometimes we need a bit more motivation than we’d like to show up at work in the morning.

My August 5 post on The Interconnected was about staying motivated at work. Let me know if you have other ideas I should incorporate into another article. (Or write for us!)